Premiere: rituals of sound and rhythm in the latest from Mexico’s FAX

The Changing Landscape is the latest mystical outing from Mexican ambient/experimental electronic master FAX. And to launch into that world, we have a video that’s liquid, glitchy, a post-digital mind trip.

Pulsating colors and geometries animate Barker’s latest: interview

Break out of the drab and the grime and the grind: the latest from Berghain resident Barker is about colors and freedom, with a hypnotic, playful video to match. We talk to the artists.

Peter Kirn - June 28, 2018

Adobe drops QuickTime support, as visual artists look for a solution

The story: Apple leaves QuickTime securities unpatched on Windows; Adobe drops support in their product line. But that leaves creative people stuck – including live visual artists. And now they’re looking for solutions.

Peter Kirn - April 5, 2018

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