Journey to the forests of the Amazon and Poland with blind artist Izabela Dłużyk

Now is a time to listen more deeply. Sound artist Izabela Dłużyk, blind since birth, launched a crowdfunding campaign to “dream despite blindness” back in 2016 to travel to Peruvian rainforest. We can sonically travel with her in a full-length album of field recordings, The Amazon — Where the Moon Wept.

A look at AI’s strange and dystopian future for art, music, and society

Machine learning and new technologies could unlock new frontiers of human creativity – or they could take humans out of the loop, ushering in a new nightmare of corporate control. Or both.

Peter Kirn - June 11, 2018

Amazon S3 outage hit SoundCloud, reminds us dangers of centralization

Those of us in music more or less noticed today, “hey, my SoundCloud audio isn’t loading” — while the rest of the Internet went crazy because lots of things were broken. But the reason was Amazon S3, the “cloud” storage service provided by the retail giant. Early indications appear, though, that SoundCloud’s audio playback and […]

Peter Kirn - March 1, 2017

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