Freespin is a demo made for the Commodore 1541 – no, not the computer, just the floppy drive

Artists just did the unthinkable – make a complete audiovisual demo on just a 1982 floppy drive, without the computer. And it’s utterly beautiful.

Cram Commodore 64 speech synthesis into your rack with this firmware

The open hardware Braids macro oscillator gets an alternative firmware that brings new features – including a speech engine known from the Commodore 64 days. Speech synth means modular synthesis: Mutable Instruments’ open, digital modules have been one of the best things about the modern modular revolution. And this alternative firmware is a great example […]

Virtuoso Commodore 64 composer Martin Walker is back

News for nerds: one of the musicians who was most adept at coaxing intricate music from chips is set to make a return. And that means it’s time for some chip music.

Peter Kirn - March 14, 2018

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