Beirut Synthesizer Center is a home for Lebanon’s artists, even when electricity is scarce

Lebanon’s DIY scene simply won’t quit. On Friday June 25 an informal new space opens, a gathering spot for electronic music even in challenging conditions.

A bit of what you should know about event power and electrical safety

Ted Pallas contacted us and wanted to create a short primer on power, in response to the terrible fire at Ghost Ship in Oakland, CA. Any fire anywhere is a reminder that knowledge of electricity, how it works and how it impacts safety, is essential to any of us organizing or playing electronic music live. […]

Ted Pallas - December 10, 2016

Angry Birds in Christmas Lights, and a Green Message for Lighting

There is a time of year when the short days, hours of travel (this time over some 8000 km in the air), and holiday season make me want to post silly, insubstantial things. This is one of those posts. But, let me make some attempt at profundity: 1. Microcontrollers have put interactive lighting in the […]

Peter Kirn - December 22, 2011

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