Immerse yourself in the raw, vibrating AV world of Temp-Illusion x Amir B Ash

Fling yourself onto a timbral buzz saw, with brutal synthetic surfaces, and then unleash a pounding groove. Temp-Illusion have released a full-length, multi-camera video of their live audiovisual performance Caustic Surfaces with artist Amir B. Ash, and it is punishingly good.

Kitbashing, by ABADIR and Nicolò Cervello, is AV subversion of endless algorithmic scrolling

“Kitbashing” is an AV protest, a hard-hitting burst of fresh air, as producer ABADIR and media artist Nicolò Cervello are here to break you out of endless scrolling by transcending its materials. From the fragments of our algorithmic existence comes 17 minutes of liberating sound and light.

Peter Kirn - May 1, 2023

Music or weapon: artists inside and outside Ukraine reflect on creativity in times of war

As our Ukrainian friends and family have endured a year of full-scale war, here are some of their voices. For them and to all those resisting violence and occupation, here’s some space for them to be musicians and artists, even in the face of terror.

Peter Kirn - February 24, 2023

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