NASA’s Webb telescope could transform how we imagine digital art, along with our cosmos

Amidst meaningful and justified disenchantment with digital media, NASA’s Webb offers a different course for understanding our relationship with technology. It offers a chance to peer into our existence with greater understanding. It could be this generation’s “Blue Marble” – looking instead outward and deep into time. And it promises to be more than one image – way more than just one.

How magnetic oscillations of a comet became a new album of music

In Francesco Novara’s new EP Astron, space exploration is both inspiration and the literal source of all the sounds you hear.

Peter Kirn - September 15, 2017

Francesco Novara – Astron [EP] brings evocative, comet-inspired music

On 8th September, Novaro will debut a downtempo album drawn from a single sonification of a comet, in collaboration with the European Space Agency. After last year’s inaugural four releases, our label Establishment is back in a big way starting this fall. Opening our next season of releases is Italian composer Francesco Novara, with a […]

Peter Kirn - August 19, 2017

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