Three years of solar flares transformed into music: ESA x Maple Pools

See and hear what our nearest star and mass nuclear fusion reactor has been up to in the past three years. The solar show is captured by the ESA-led Solar Orbiter mission and new UV images and musical sonification.

NASA’s Webb telescope could transform how we imagine digital art, along with our cosmos

Amidst meaningful and justified disenchantment with digital media, NASA’s Webb offers a different course for understanding our relationship with technology. It offers a chance to peer into our existence with greater understanding. It could be this generation’s “Blue Marble” – looking instead outward and deep into time. And it promises to be more than one image – way more than just one.

Peter Kirn - July 12, 2022

How magnetic oscillations of a comet became a new album of music

In Francesco Novara’s new EP Astron, space exploration is both inspiration and the literal source of all the sounds you hear.

Peter Kirn - September 15, 2017

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