Lucifer is a dark FM oscillator for drones and drums and evil – Error Instruments does Superbooth

Your Eurorack modular is already mostly evil. But why not go straight to the top – erm, bottom – and bring in the Dark One himself, with Lucifer?

Here’s how to add proper dark themes for Ableton Live, SoundCloud, embrace darkness

Dark themes are all the rage these days, from phones to desktop OSes. Now it’s time for stuff you use every day to go properly to black, too – hello Ableton Live and SoundCloud. Okay, dark themes actually have inspired some controversy when it comes to usability and even eye fatigue. But it’s pretty understandable […]

Peter Kirn - December 10, 2019

No, sharing your Spotify year-end artist stats is not a good idea – here’s why not

If you’re following music acts, odds are you’re already seeing Spotify-generated stats and graphs from artists. There’s a backlash to the practice – and with good reason.

Peter Kirn - December 9, 2019

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