Dip your toes into D.zúk’s Ishkhan, fishwave trout musical dreams from Armenia

Are human life and human music getting you down? Maybe you just need to be a prince among trout, swimming through the Caucausus’ Lake Sevan. Yerevan’s D.zúk has your ticket, in a debut from over the summer.

Beats Bits Atoms: Fish Play with Cameras, Paint and Pixels and Light Become Sculpture

◥ BEATS, BITS, ATOMS from ◥ panGenerator on Vimeo. Call it post-digital, call it tangible. But whatever you call it, there’s new work that skirts boundaries between the sculptural and the virtual, integrating physical media in ways that surprise and delight. In the latest projects of Polish-based collective panGenerator, shown recently in a solo show […]

Peter Kirn - July 2, 2012

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