Acidwerk is a totally bonkers free and open source Web acid synth

Acidwerk puts the acid in acid. Yes, this is a generative bassline and drum synth. No, it does not make the vanilla acid you might be imagining. It’s a beautifully bizarre instrument perfect for creating some chaotic noise in a browser tab right after you’ve closed … the news.

Noise generator: a chat with Uchi, as LA celebrates electronic sound

Uchi is a fresh face as LA collective BL_K NOISE meet up with Berlin’s Raster – and that’s a perfect time to catch up with her and reflect.

Peter Kirn - January 26, 2018

Grooveshark Streaming Site Dies, Apologizes

I fought the law and the law won. Grooveshark, announcing the April 30th shutdown of their streaming music service: We failed to secure licenses from rights holders for the vast amount of music on the service. That was wrong. We apologize. Without reservation. They go on to concede that hundreds of other services provide the […]

Peter Kirn - May 1, 2015

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