Working with Alan Parsons, PSP recreates Frequency Translator

The Alan Parsons/Keith Adkins handmade, one-of-a-kind Frequency Translator was a key component of The Dark Side of the Moon. And its sound has been hard to describe, let alone recreate – until now. PSP Audioware worked with the one and only Alan Parsons to model it in plug-in form in a personal passion project they’re releasing as PSP Wobbler.

MorphWiz 2 is here and it opens up a new world of iPad sound creation

For all the potential for app overload, sometimes what makes the iPad powerful is that one killer app. And MorphWiz 2, with sample analysis, an arpeggiator, and new modulation, filter, envelope, and effects sections, could be that killer app for synthesis and sound design. It’s a spectral morphing powerhouse.

Peter Kirn - January 20, 2025

Roland just modeled the JC-120 Jazz Chorus in software

What’s left to model for Roland Cloud? The JC-120 Jazz Chorus amp, for one – now available in Early Access for Ultimate subscribers.

Peter Kirn - January 16, 2025

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