VDMX6 is the biggest update for the live Mac visual tool in over a decade. Wait, no – it’s the biggest single-day news for Mac visuals in over a decade, full stop. Metal support, TouchDesigner integration, HAP updates, and more have implications beyond VDMX6 to other live visual tools, too.
Read moreThe story: Apple leaves QuickTime securities unpatched on Windows; Adobe drops support in their product line. But that leaves creative people stuck – including live visual artists. And now they’re looking for solutions.
The Halloween party: all bets are off. Pull out the wildest, spookiest horror and seasonal clips and go to town. Here are some free videos to get you going.
brings together the latest breaking news on music, technology, gear, and live visuals. Got a project, found a news tip, or want to share your product? Submit to us directly.