Imaginando TV3 acid synth and bassline generator, free through Dec 1

Imaginando has made a brutal 303 acid synth, complete with a melody generator that supports dragging clips to your host. And it’s free through December 1.

VS Visual Synthesizer responds to your music, with shader and layer powers (Mac, Windows, iOS)

VS from Imaginando could be the visual synth you’ve been waiting for, thanks to a ton of layer and shader features that make it playable like a synthesizer.

Peter Kirn - June 21, 2021

Free Delay Modulator AUv3 Anyone? DLYM is for you then

Free Delay Modulator AUv3 Anyone? DLYM is for you then. It’s brought to us by the people who make DRC Poly Synth, and also LK, a controller for Ableton Live

Ashley Elsdon - May 31, 2018

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