Predating the iPhone by half a decade, JazzMutant’s Lemur brought Star Trek visions to life* and established many of the multi-touch interactions to come. But its beloved iPad port has been unavailable — until now.
Read moreFinal Cut Pro 11, like Logic Pro 11, marks new machine learning-powered functionality – but don’t fret; some of this is stuff you’ll actually use. There are non-AI improvements, too, like overdue keyboard shortcuts. And its iPad version is gradually becoming more mature, too. Here’s a breakdown of what’s new in the free Mac update and latest iPad release.
Every so often, you get something that’s clearly a labor of love. Apple has acquired the innovative digital reverb legacy of Quantec and its late founder Wolfgang “Wolf” Buchleitner and built it into Logic Pro for iPad and Mac. That joins some other welcome improvements to Logic’s Mixer and Bounce in Place in this release.
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