Roland is celebrating Bandcamp Friday with 3 months free Ultimate Studio

Roland and Bandcamp are teaming up this time. They’re planning various collaborations, but today the lead is, you can get three free months of their Ultimate Software Suite – 808, 909, 303, RE-201, and a lot more. Here’s how it works and how to grab it.

Roland FANTOM EX: Modeled analog, classic synths, new effects, more

Roland has updated the OS on their flagship FANTOM 6, 7, and 8 synths. It’s a major update, with everything from a shimmer reverb to Analog Circuit Behavior sounds, stage pianos to some classic synths. If you wanted just one keyboard to play everything Roland, the FANTOM is now that instrument.

Peter Kirn - November 8, 2023

Roland releases JUNO-X polysynth, which can be a vintage JUNO, or a lot more

The days of Roland slapping a vintage name on something fairly unrelated are over. The JUNO-X will absolutely behave like a vintage JUNO. But the digital heart underneath also means it’ll be everything from a vocoder to a JD-800 – which means if you are in the market for a Roland keyboard, you’ve got some choices to make.

Peter Kirn - April 27, 2022

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