Looking for a future for techno? Jlin’s “Embryo” is pure fire

How much percussion and rhythmic thought can fit in under four minutes? A lot, when it’s in the hands of Gary, Indiana’s own Jlin. It’s soon to be in some human percussionist hands, too.

Jlin, Holly Herndon, and ‘Spawn’ find beauty in AI’s flaws

Musicians don’t just endure technology when it breaks. They embrace the broken. So it’s fitting that Holly Herndon’s team have produced a demonic spawn of machine learning algorithms – and that the results are wonderful.

Peter Kirn - December 10, 2018

Here’s the music in 2017 that gave us strength

Music can make us stronger, helps us face challenges. So forget talking about which music was “best.” Here’s some music that made us better.

David Abravanel - January 2, 2018

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