Journey to the forests of the Amazon and Poland with blind artist Izabela Dłużyk

Now is a time to listen more deeply. Sound artist Izabela Dłużyk, blind since birth, launched a crowdfunding campaign to “dream despite blindness” back in 2016 to travel to Peruvian rainforest. We can sonically travel with her in a full-length album of field recordings, The Amazon — Where the Moon Wept.

Take a weird fantasy aquatic trip into the world of Žaburina

Instagram-trending techno can’t find its way out of the corner of a warehouse with some manic depressive crows. (Oh no – Derelicte turned real!) So let’s go to an alien undersea imaginarium with Jonáš Gruska instead.

Peter Kirn - March 22, 2019

Get some inspiration in the magic of field recording

Field recording isn’t just an empty exercise. It can change how you think. Just listen to Chris Watson, who records nature for a living: “Listening in a positive way – that is, actively taking the decision to focus on certain things and reject others … stimulates my thought process. It makes me think more laterally […]

Peter Kirn - June 1, 2016

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