MadMapper 5.2 is here, with more lasers! (and DMX CSV, Xbox controllers, and Kinect)

The best-known projection mapping tool now lets you do more with lasers. Oh, and if you’re not qualified to mess with those, there’s a bunch of other stuff, too.

Azure Kinect promises new motion, sensing for art

Gamers’ interest may come and go, but artists are always exploring the potential of computer vision for expression. Microsoft this month has resurrected the Kinect, albeit in pricey, limited form. Let’s fit it to the family tree.

Peter Kirn - March 1, 2019

A composition you can only hear by moving your head

“It’s almost like there’s an echo of the original music in the space.” After years of music being centered on stereo space and fixed timelines, sound seems ripe for reimagination as open and relative. Tim Murray-Browne sends us a fascinating idea for how to do that, in a composition in sound that transforms as you […]

Peter Kirn - June 20, 2016

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