Tune into HÖR today for music and an earthquake relief fundraiser

News cycles tend to move from crisis to crisis – ignoring what happens as crises deepen. Artists of Turkish, Syrian, and Kurdish heritage deserve more attention in Berlin and Germany generally, so today is a great time for some music, awareness, and action as areas impacted by last month’s earthquake still urgently need support.

Khabat Abas of Kurdistan-Iraq talking about cellos, bombshells, silenced stories of women

Making instruments, making music overlaps directly with the issue of mapping sound to emotional experience, meaning, and orientation. Let’s listen to Khabat Abas, a musician, composer, sound artist, and instrument maker from Kurdistan-Iraq. She works directly at the crossing of so many of the issues we’ve encountered in the past months – and finds ways to make experimental cellos out of repurposed bombshells.

Peter Kirn - March 8, 2023

As crisis continues, albums bring Turkey and Syria earthquake relief

The scale of the recent earthquakes in Turkey and Syria is hard to conceive, atop ongoing crises in the region and world. Tens of thousands have died, more continue to die, and millions are now homeless across the territories of the two countries. With music scenes intertwined with those places, responding is essential in any way we can.

Peter Kirn - March 3, 2023

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