Dreamy music videos take you under the sea, light painting in air

Floating Points – Silhouettes (official video) from floating points on Vimeo. Two videos for us today transport us to other imagined worlds. ‘Silhouettes’ from Floating Points is already lush and fantastic, synths crooning atop buttery strings and vocals, cinematic extravagance for a new generation. It’s sexy stuff. And for the video, Barcelona-based experimental filmmakers Pablo […]

Animating in Light, Hand-Carved Creations: The Stunning, Glowing Effects of Marilyn Myller

MARILYN MYLLER – Mini Making: Light Effects from Mikey Please on Vimeo. Mastering today’s digital media often means expertly melding optical and digital. One of the films that launched modern digital animation as we know it, ironically, developed its signature look primarily via optical effects. And resonances of that film, Tron, are certainly here. The […]

Peter Kirn - February 4, 2014

3D Light Painting How-To: iPad + Open Tools + LEGOs with Mickael Le Goff

Monark teaser (How to do 3D light-painting) from Mickael Le Goff on Vimeo. When photography meets generative visuals, where real-for-real techniques come together with digital imagery, some special things can happen. Take the surprisingly-effective technique of 3D light painting. If you don’t closely follow our sister music site, you may have missed NI’s Monark synth. […]

Peter Kirn - April 3, 2013

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