For all the ubiquity of Unreal Engine, a small handful of people are pushing the envelope of what Unreal can do as an audiovisual tool. With years of effects and animation production work under his belt, Zack Berwick is uniquely creative and inventive with the combo – and he’s sharing his approach, using Ableton Live, Max for Live, MIDI, OSC, and UE.
Read moreLight, sound, and visuals finally come together in Max as people imagined. Beam for Max from Showsync is now in the Max Package Manager. And it fully integrates lighting instruments in your Max patches.
This live visual newcomer is off to a promising start: live DMX lighting, generative visuals (with video and photos), MIDI control, Ableton Link – and it’s free and open source. It’s coded in TypeScript, with downloads for macOS and Windows; Linux promised soon.
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