Roger Linn didn’t just develop the LinnStrument and then check out. He’s provided a steady stream of musical advice both of his own makings and from the device’s user community – all while being a driving force in MIDI Polyphonic Expression (MPE). The latest video is a must-watch addition to that ongoing series.
Read moreWant to learn about designing physical interactions for music from the creator of the MPC and Linnstrument, the one and only Roger Linn, plus physical interaction and sound arts expert Sasha Leitman? Registrations are open now for a class from June 17-21. You can even join online.
Sequential’s monster Trigon-6 just got smaller and more accessible. You get all of the features of the keyboard Trigon-6, but BYO controller and this three-oscillator, analog beauty is more accessible. And more welcome news: both Trigons get global MIDI Polyphonic Expression support in an update. (There’s a reason you see the Trigon desktop posing with an Expressive E Osmose.)
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