Here’s what a cassette tape rig could look like

With cassette labels making a comeback, there’s the question – how do you play the things? And the answers have gotten more creative than ever, with liberal use of effects, DIY tape loops, hacked hardware, and other techniques. Hainbach, who I featured in our tape music round-up earlier this week, wrote with more details of […]

AES: A Season of Mobile Recorders, a Sweet New Sony, Says Mobilista Brad

Surprise! It’s a high-end Sony mobile recorder you could actually afford. The pretty new PCM-D50 lists at US$600, not four figures. If it sounds as good as its sibling, we could see some other mobile recorders on eBay. The search for the perfect field recorder continues: Brad Linder is a blogger, freelance journalist, and producer […]

Peter Kirn - October 11, 2007

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