Gong Amp by AudioThing and Hainbach simulates metallic resonator, chains, pillow

The plug-in recalls the 1930s experiments of Maurice Martenot – and it comes with buttons to add chains and a pillow.

Look, Ma, Hands: iOS Theremin App Draws from Tannerin, Martenot, Trautonium

So, you want to go beyond conventional, piano-style keys and guitar frets. Even if the ultimate goal is hardware, the touch interface of iOS is a lovely blank canvas on which to experiment. In the latest app, the work of UK-based graphic designer Paul Betowski, the Theremin proves a jumping-off point to other instruments, like […]

- January 16, 2013

Ribbons Elsewhere: Martenot Round-up

Photo: THEfunkyman, who has lots of other wonderful instruments in his galleries on Flickr. The Martenot is a bit like the Theremin’s sexy, friendly younger sister. If the Theremin is a tricky-to-drive race car, the Martenot is a sleek, road-ready coupe. (Okay, I’ve been watching way, way too much Top Gear.) Anyway, the Martenot gets […]

Peter Kirn - December 31, 2007

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