Scratching Live Video Input: Ms. Pinky + Max for Live

Scratch Yourself Stupid from digital funfair on Vimeo. Can you do exciting things with video inside Ableton Live using Max for Live? Yes, you can. It’s just a proof of concept/demo, not really a polished performance, but Digital Funfair has revealed with his Max for Live work how you might scratch incoming video and not […]

Ms. Pinky + Max for Live = Scratch Anything in Ableton

Ms. Pinky Revised from Mastah Lee on Vimeo. What should DJing in Ableton Live look like? How could conventional vinyl cueing and scratching be integrated with the Live environment? Serato and Ableton gave us one possible answer to that question last week with The Bridge. Their solution: use your Serato DJ set normally, and simply […]

Peter Kirn - January 22, 2010

Meet the Digital Vinyl Systems That Predated N2IT’s Patent

It’s something we take for granted now, but not so long ago, the only way to scratch and cue records was with analog vinyl. Now, of course, simulating those behaviors using digital records on turntables connected to computers is commonplace. But that hasn’t stopped the question of who owns the technology from spawning legal disputes. […]

Peter Kirn - December 14, 2009

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