Three years of solar flares transformed into music: ESA x Maple Pools

See and hear what our nearest star and mass nuclear fusion reactor has been up to in the past three years. The solar show is captured by the ESA-led Solar Orbiter mission and new UV images and musical sonification.

LA friends and colleagues, we’re thinking of you; fires signal planetary crisis

The home of so many in the music and musical instruments community has been consumed by fire. Friends and colleagues in the Los Angeles area, you’re on our minds this week; I hope you’ve gotten to safety. And we can’t mince words: planetwide, every second of this climate crisis now counts.

Peter Kirn - January 9, 2025

Free Supermassive reverb gets a silky, stellar new mode: Pleiades

Few plug-ins at any price can compare with the free Valhalla DSP Supermassive echo/reverb – and version 4 brings what might be its best mode yet. It’s smoother, more natural, more organic, more versatile than anything Valhalla has added before. Plus, let’s go visit that object cluster in space.

Peter Kirn - November 22, 2024

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