Synthesized Sounds of the Sea explores the undersea world of synthesizers

It all starts with a lounge track and field recordings of hermit crabs. Each track in this new outing by Tomer Baruch comes with gorgeous shots from underwater, so go full Jacques Costeau and fire up the hi-fi and a nice screen.

From Japan, an ambient musician on solitude and views of the sea

As haunting, oceanic wells of sound sing achingly in the background, Tokyo-based ambient musician Chihei Hatakeyama talks in a new documentary about what inspires him.

Peter Kirn - July 11, 2018

Seaquence lets you make music as animated ocean creatures

Are the cold, mechanical buttons of step sequencers stressing you out? Do you enjoy the soothing sensation of staring into an aquarium? Then Seaquence for the iPhone and iPad might be the music production tool for you. You can treat Seaquence as a kind of musical game, toying around with fanciful animated creatures dancing around […]

Peter Kirn - March 14, 2017

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