PatchXR creator tool, for building complete musical worlds in VR, opens sign-ups for beta

Patch we’ve seen already to be an unparalleled tool for building interactive musical instruments and complete immersive worlds in VR. Now it’s nearing beta release, with a sign-up for closed access immediately.

VR becomes a fluid medium, a music video you can play, more, in PatchXR Patchathon

Imagine VR not as passive experience, but as the ability to “play” all those immersive elements – from 3D forms and architectures to spatial sound – live like an instrument. That sums up what has made the Patchathon artist intensives with PatchXR so engaging. Here’s the newest work from late this year, made in just days by invited artists, live in VR.

Peter Kirn - December 25, 2021

Worlds as instruments, as artists collaborate in VR using modular metaverse Patch

This summer, across four continents and eight time zones, artists have gone beyond just playing in virtual reality. They’ve been making their own new instruments and worlds there.

Peter Kirn - August 19, 2021

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