A year in music: don’t-miss releases, unsung gems, unhyped breakthroughs

In difficult times, paying attention to music can be an act of humanity. We turn to music not because it attracts attention, but because we want to fill our ears and souls. From Indonesia-to-Mexico collaborations to resurfacing legends, Mongolian hip hop to rethought AI, David Abravanel is back with a personal set of selections to round out the year.

Pairing Mode: Listen to these new music releases right now, including some unsung gems

Channeling pain and ecstasy, from dance and avant-garde and genres newly brewed, Abadir to Cinthie to Lamin Fofana to patten to Pole, summer brings more spectacular ways to fill your hard drives and souls with music.

David Abravanel - July 3, 2020

Here’s the music in 2017 that gave us strength

Music can make us stronger, helps us face challenges. So forget talking about which music was “best.” Here’s some music that made us better.

David Abravanel - January 2, 2018

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