This is a bound book you can build into a complete modular system

Like something out of a (nerdy) magician’s library, Build Your Own Modular is a physical, ring-bound book that transforms into a complete Eurorack modular system. It’s both a printed instructional document and the thing you’re building — all in one.

Music Thing Modular Workshop System gets its own advent calendar

Out: tiny milk chocolates. In: delicious Program Card code creations for the Music Thing Computer in the Workshop System. It’s a beautiful story of what happens when a small, focused community goes all in on an idea.

Peter Kirn - December 16, 2024

Alternative histories, realized: someone built a working 80s Apple prototype

Kevin Noki has realized a ground-breaking, long-lost prototype created by industrial designer Hartmut Esslinger for Apple in the 80s. FlatMac lives – and it works.

Peter Kirn - December 9, 2024

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