Volt synth 1.2 gets a big update and goes universal too (plus it’s on sale)

Volt synth, the MPE enabled synth gets updated to version 1.2 with loads of fixes and smaller updates to functionality, it also goes universal. If that wasn’t enough it’s on sale too.

Xequence MIDI controller expands with a new drum maps feature and more

Xequence MIDI controller 1.6 now allows every instrument to have a fully customizable drum map which can be edited via drag and drop

Ashley Elsdon - February 20, 2018

expressionPad is a new free Synth/Sampler instrument, that was better than I expected

expressionPad is a new free and universal Synth/Sampler and CoreMIDI instrument, that was actually a lot better than I expected, here’s why

Ashley Elsdon - October 16, 2017

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