Ukrainian games house GSC Game World lost a team member in the front lines and had to face up to Russian disinformation to produce their blockbuster hit game in the middle of a full-scale war. They also packed their game full of Ukrainian music – including electronic music producers. Here’s more on the game, and […]
Read moreIt was the dawn of the third age of audiovisual creation.* Yes, Unreal keeps adding eye-popping, ear-bursting media powers, both in its stable 4.2x branch and early-access UE5. That makes this free-to-use game engine a must for futuristic artists.
It makes beautiful, realistic… canyons. It makes games. It does incredible things with light. And oh yeah – surprise. This game engine also boasts a powerful, patchable DSP sound engine inside, blurring the line between game, graphics, and audio tool. It’s all positively Unreal. Um, 5. Early Access.
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