Carrot HD Video Mixer + Controller, in Edirol V4-Style Layout, Coming Soon [Exclusive Prototype Details]

HD Rabbit – Introduction from carrotvideo on Vimeo. I keep waiting to write this headline and talk about something that’s shipping. But it might at last happen. We might finally be able to cover an HD mixer that lets you easily plug in two computers and mix as easily as you have done for years […]

Gear Check: Inside a Traveling VJ Bag, on the Way to Coachella

li {margin-bottom:10px;} Packing up VJ Gear to fit on an airplane can be tricky business. I flew from Portland to San Diego in order to join the Xochi Media crew for Coachella this year – luckily, they’re supplying most of the heavy equipment, so I needed only the essentials, as photographed above. Here’s what I […]

Momo The Monster - April 8, 2009

Edirol V8 Review: MoRpH Gets Hands-On with the V4's Big Sister

Our friend MoRpH (whose work you’ve seen previously posted to and on the intro to our VMS video) was lucky enough to get his hands on an Edirol V8 – sequel to the venerable V4 – and followed it up by being awesome enough to send us this review. A few years back Roland […]

Jaymis Loveday - April 1, 2008

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