It’s the end of an era – but maybe not such a golden era. Once upon a time, ACID and Sound Forge were each industry-leading software tools, originally developed by Sonic Foundry. Now, languishing alongside their stablemate, video editor Vegas, they’re seeing ownership pass from Sony (via its creative software division) to German software house […]
Read moreClick. It’s incredible how much sound is part of our world, sometimes in ways so profound we actually somehow miss them. Tech site The Verge wanted to spice up a story on the anniversary of IBM’s Model M keyboard, a product for which sound was an integral part of the experience. (That’s so true, in […]
This was pretty much inevitable. A/V duo Eclectic Method (“UK via Brooklyn”) have worked their magic with a Charlie Sheen remix. (Assuming they still work in Sony Vegas for their tight edits.) What happens when you mix audio and visuals, as we so often advocate here on this site? Bi-winning. Sound and image. You win […]
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