GIMP 3.0, free and open source image app, looks brilliant

The culmination of seven years of open-source development, GIMP has reached its milestone 3.0 release. GIMP was always powerful, but this feels more like the mature, usable release to take on the proprietary heavyweights.

SØS Gunver Ryberg’s Living Labyrinth 3D active listening experience

Living Labyrinth immerses you in the world of Danish composer SØS Gunver Ryberg’s music. It’s a spatial experience of a flowing organic dream world of deep listening and meditative interconnectedness. And it includes both unreleased bits and portions of SPINE, one of the more notable releases of this year.

Peter Kirn - December 18, 2024

Play around with miniature, interactive Rooms – now with Actions

Need to escape for a while? Rooms is a delightful set of miniature interactive voxel worlds that can be toys or games, all living for free in the browser (or iOS app). In version 3.0, Rooms adds interactive actions in addition to coding.

Peter Kirn - November 28, 2024

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