Don’t just crossfade, scan: Vostok and DivKid Trace for Eurorack

DivKid and Vostok Instruments are bringing the joys of the Interpolating Scanner to Eurorack. First introduced 30 years ago by legendary engineer and analog sound hacker Jürgen Haible, the classic scanning circuit smoothly transitions between four input channels.

Inside Vostok’s Atlas, the quad filter module inspired by 80s Roland

Iconic 80s Japanese synths like the SH-101, JUPITER, JUNO, and TR drum machines were defined by both their filters and the engineering around them. We’re fortunate to get to talk about Vostok Instruments about the design of their new four-channel Atlas filter module – what it learns from the 80s classics, and what it adds to the equation.

Peter Kirn - February 1, 2024

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