As you’ve probably noticed, CDM has had major outages all week. We’re working on resolving the problem. We’ve moved to a new, dedicated server, but while that will make CDM’s performance and reliability much better, in the meantime, it’s made things worse. We’re debugging some issues in the site itself and will be back up with lots of NAMM and Macworld coverage we’ve been sitting on. We expect to be back up next week.

Thanks for your patience, keep reading, and we look forward to finally getting past these issues and back to the part of this we enjoy.

Peter and the CDM Server Team


After exhausting other possibilities in our WordPress configuration, we switched versions of Apache (the software that actually serves the webpages), and this is what our site uptime graph looks like over the last 24 hours:

100% since we made the change. It’s truly incredible how delicate web publishing can be. We’ve made some other performance optimizations along the way, and while it initially made things worse (bad as they had been), our new dedicated server should make things faster than ever before. Thanks to our admin wizard for putting this together in the midst of other crises.

We’re keeping our fingers crossed, but this should mean fast, uninterrupted coverage during the NAMM show and ongoing in 2007. We never, ever like to be down, so the last two weeks have been pretty painful. We’ll keep you posted.