While on the subject of Post Musical Instruments and Post Pianos, here’s a glimpse of Post’s custom Post Piano, a piano-computer hybrid. Now pretty much anyone can prop a Tablet PC on their keyboard controller and go to town with samples, and Michel Post admits to CDM that “the PostPiano was never a commercial success, we have 5 left and use them in house, since we’re totally focussed on sample libraries nowdays.”

As a concept, though, you can’t argue with it: with 200 MB of samples per key and built-in software for notation and sequencing, the digital piano has a lot to offer. And this design was attractive enough to be featured in a concert of the music of Dutch minimalist Simeon ten Holt. (Minimalist, indeed — it’s a 1-foot concert grand.) Prototype photo after the jump.

And lastly, Post sends us a shot of “what we’re after.” That’s right, hide your Bosendorfer if you’re anywhere near Amsterdam: Post is coming to saw it in half. (Cue Nightmare on Elm Street music.)