Arkaos Grand VJ Ohm64 Template from Livid Instruments on Vimeo.

What’s your favorite controller of choice for live visuals?

Jay Smith from Livid points us to this lovely use of their Ohm64 controller, right out of the box with ArKaos’ GrandVJ audiovisual software for Mac and Windows. It’d be great to see some of this eventually working with OSC, given that GrandVJ (and other tools) now have an excellent OSC mapping many people are exploiting with devices like the iPhone. But MIDI works well enough here, and the integration is thoughtfully set up.

The Ohm64 is actually bundled with Cell DNA, but I think it’s even better to have choice. In this case, the folks at ArKaos have set up the Ohm64 so it can automatically, intelligently map to controls.

Ohm 64

Grand VJ

Speaking of live visual control, Johnny de Kam has, as usual, put together a killer rig. Think think Vidvox’s VDMX meets the Ohm meets heads-up preview displays, as seen on Flickr. Johnny, hopefully you can get us some other details.

My own last set I decided to do with just an iPod touch and TouchOSC, for some minimalist control, but I do miss having tangible input – there’s something about that tactile feeling of actual, physical control. So, next time I’ll push the airplane luggage weight limit a little harder. (Hey, it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere.)

What’s your controller of choice?