5 minute preview for new Michel Gondry Björk video – via videos.antville.org

Every weekend Create Digital Motion will (try to) feature some small doses of inspirational material – things we find compelling enough to get our creative juices flowing – and hopefully yours as well.

First up: videos.antville.org – Users submit new and old music video links. Updated many times during the day, videos.antville.org contains a metric <expletive ton> of videos. Browse it, you are sure to find something cool, fun, different, weird, and never before heard of. At least you won’t be bored.

Ffffound – Image bookmarking with a brain – Ffffound’s image engine not only shows you images, but recommends them to you based on other users’ tastes and bookmarks. Ffffound is in beta, and registration is closed, but people are posting some pretty quality stuff. I’ve fffffound (ahem) quite a few inspirational images, and check it at least once a day. Good stuff.

Video would be nowhere without music – so if you haven’t already, be sure to check out NIN’s fan remix site. For those who aren’t NIN fans, its not all moody and dark, there are some inspirational soundtracks that cant help but invoke some imagery.

Please feel free to share any inspirational material – we’d love to feature it here at CDMotion. Thanks!