CDM Radio of the Week

For music, you can’t beat the Beeb, and the UK radio conglomerate is now easy to hear in the rest of the world thanks to some of the best net radio support on the Earth. Just don’t overlook the high-brow Radio 3 because you think it might be stuffy. Quite the contrary; check out some highlights:

Beethoven’s symphonies are available for free download for a limited time. (Right now 1-5 are there as MP3s; others later this month. Played by the BBC Phil, of course!)

New Music section features a message board and some hip new stuff, like the “Mixing It” interview series. San Fran digital duo Matmos and Brian Eno? Sign me up!

CDM’s Radio Pick of the Week is a new feature to keep you in touch with the latest in digital radio, Net radio, satellite radio, podcasts, streams, and good `ol FM. If you’ve got a radio feed you think digital musicians will appreciate (your own or your favorite bookmark), send it my way! -PK