Multi-Player Drumming: Handheld Open-Source Music for Nintendo DS

It’s drumming, the multi-player game. The Drummer is an open-source application for the Nintendo DS handheld, developed by Andrea Bianchi and Woon Seung Yeo and presented alongside a paper earlier this year at the NIME Conference (The International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression). As with any Nintendo homebrew software, you’ll need a special […]

Love and Modular Synths: Animation Behind the Scenes

Voltage from Bam Studio on Vimeo. For another way to visualize sound, over the summer Brazil’s Bam Studio sent us an animation imagining modular synths connecting to one another in an electrical, energy-filled trance. The animation is fantastic and injects plenty of traditional techniques into the digital work. Co-director William Paiva has added a making-of […]

Peter Kirn - October 13, 2009

Epic Projection Mapping: Theatre Facade Augmentation with OpenFrameworks

Eloi of playmodes sends in this beautiful, extended (20 minutes) projection mapping performance, for the Ingravid Festival, in Figueres, Spain. Telenoika Audiovisual Mapping @ Ingravid Festival, Figueres 9/2009 [FULL] from Telenoika on Vimeo. Created by Telenoika, this performance is a tour de force of established projection mapping techniques and styles: Virtual lighting, 3D augmentation and […]

Jaymis Loveday - October 13, 2009

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