Proper dub and experimental production will transport you to eerie otherworldly states of mind in this music from Kharkiv, Ukraine. And now the artist urgently needs our support, as he faces both urgent medical bills and Russian invasion.

I’m really grateful to Mike of Wunderblock Records for introducing me to Danny’s music – deep underground productions from this Ukrainian artist and composer, music that hasn’t gotten nearly the attention it deserves. Each composition is a dense, complex narrative, hypnotic and shadowy.

Late last year, we also became aware that Danny was facing an urgent health situation, which he describes below.

And that was before the invasion. I’ve checked in with Danny regularly – Mike more so as he speaks Russian and I don’t – and Danny is somehow weathering the war going on around him. (He’s outside of Kharkiv proper, but that still places him very much in danger – even beyond the extent to which nowhere in Ukraine is particularly safe right now.)

Since it’s Bandcamp Friday, you can simply pay whatever you wish for the music and 100% Mike and I can then send on to Danny. I think it’s important to support humans and not only music abstractly, but this music has also moved me and helped me to communicate on a level that our distinct languages might not allow. I hope you feel the same.

Hello, my name is Denis and I am 29 years old. I am from Ukraine, Kharkov.
We really need money for treatment. I have hypoplasia of the right vertebral artery, poor venous outflow, a problem with blood circulation and blood vessels.
She was also recently diagnosed with anxiety and depression.
You need $2,000 for treatment, the amount is not very large, but I can’t collect it myself (I applied to foundations, charity, etc. result – 0)
I would be glad for any help?
Guys, the state of the f*** is dangerous, I lie almost all the time, I only get up to eat and go to the toilet …

I hope we can help and get Danny over the line so he and his partner can get treated. Kharkiv has absolutely been on my mind lately, too, as our friend Artemiy of Sinevibes has fled his native city and home with his family. I hope to see them both in Kharkiv when we can, and that we can give support to rebuilding the free city.

Here’s the gorgeous score for his debut on Wunderblock, The Origin:

Geometry entered hard-hitting, trippy industrial techno out of our dreams, with support from Dave Tarrida, Patrick DSP, Mary Velo, and others. It’s really a sonic combination unlike any I’ve heard before. (Danny tells me he’s a heavy FL Studio and plug-in user, even though the results sound like stacks of hardware.)

And what he did with his remix of my Celestial Inbetween to me was simply cosmic – almost like instead of getting a remix back, getting a sonic fragment you remember from a past lifetime.

Please join us in helping Danny. (For after Bandcamp Friday, I’ll look at whether we can set up a more lasting donation link…)

Updated – Wunderblock is putting their entire catalog to Danny’s expenses. Details:


Bandcamp Friday today, and we start the Mayday Sale! Use the code ” MAYDAYISNOTDEAD ” for 30% OFF for any purchase on our Bandcamp till 13 May, today – without the Bandcamp fee. All the profit from the sale will be sent to our Ukrainian friend, producer Danny Skripp (Денис Скрыпник), who is now near Kharkiv, under Russian bombs, and needs our help.