Berlin’s CTM Festival “Transformation” is online now to tune in anywhere in the world, featuring unique online features, audiovisual shows, talks, and more, with events through the end of the month.
Surfin’ Gabber Modus Operandi, live now!

That includes tonight’s debut of, among other things, a Gabber Modus Operandi act complete with trippy homebrewed alien animations that the animator produced learning entirely during lockdown.

An AM radio transmission embedded in a stray satellite is captured by advanced beings. It contains a glimpse of the hope and resilience of a struggling civilization… These beings sent an envoy along with a fleet of spaceships to observe and nurture this peculiar culture born of tension and hardships.

Also part of the program:

…streamed performances and special trans/local commissions that explore the possibilities of remote creation and performance, the CTM Cyberia immersive multiplayer 3D exhibition and festival space, virtual club nights that bring the rave to your home with Club Matryoshka in Minecraft and in Club Quarantäne‘s virtual venue, a hacklab, the CTM Discourse talk series, the CTM Radio Lab Commissions, and much more, structure our 22nd edition. We invite you to explore the many programmes on offer and join us in this experimental approach to enjoying music and art together remotely but collectively. Let’s chart the unknown and find togetherness in transformation.

That includes the MusicMakers Hacklab at the end of the week, which this year I co-host with Olivia Jack, creator of online visual live coding tool Hydra and new live streaming tools built for performers which she is literally working on for this week’s project.

So you can join in Minecraft (writing up more about that shortly), you can meet on Discord, and – this will deserve its own article, but there’s even a chance to explore tuning, the Apotome tool. It’s the brainchild of Iraqi-British musician and musicologist Khyam Allami, and he’s been doing some amazing work.

That just launched here, if you want to check it out:

And there will be artists working with that, as well as a couple of don’t-miss panels with Allami – just for starters.

All the information on how to join the online edition is here –

It’s free for those who don’t have the budget, but there are also ways of supporting the artists detailed.

More soon, I’ll be here – actually physically here, which means at least one COVID-19 rapid test and social distancing and other things, even as we run these online events – all week.