Squares are gonna fly.

That’s what happens when a Novation Launchpad meets a screen meets some mashed-up remixes meets Ableton meets audiovisual triggering. Okay, I have no idea how to describe this, but it does reveal some of the possibilities as conventional AV slice-up technique is applied in a new way, a TV screen merging with the performance interface. And it is very cool. (I was skeptical when I saw Daft Punk and Skrillex in my inbox, but this sober bearded gentleman, looking almost melancholy as he oversees the action, is in some serious business. Quite a lot of his own production there, as well.)

Description from San Francisco artist Conte:

Played on a sideways TV with a Launchpad.
See me LIVE in San Francisco: http://tinyurl.com/ConteSF13

Subscribe to my videos: http://tinyurl.com/JCSubscribeYT

New EP coming in a month.
Tour in July! First date @ Brick and Mortar in San Francisco, July 20th
Tickets: http://tinyurl.com/ConteSF13

FB: https://www.facebook.com/JackConteMusic
YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/JackConteMusic
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackconte

By the way – a lot of folks are asking how much of this is original, and how much is samples from Daft Punk and Skrillex. I did an analysis of my track: There are 4059 clips in the Ableton session. 18 of them are Daft Punk and Skrillex Samples, the rest are original sound design. All of the bass sounds, the strings, guitars, pianos, synths, are all original. The Skrillex and Daft Punk samples are almost entirely vocals, with only a couple of obvious exceptions.

Good stuff. I’d love to see the grid expand in more performances.