While we’re waiting on VCV Rack 2, Drums is available right now. And not only does it give you a full range of dedicated analog-modeled drum modules, but it’s got DSP from our friends at Vult.

This to me adds to the great news from VCV land this week. It’s not just about making some VCV techno, either – though you absolutely could do that already. No, having drum modules is generally a nice thing for all kinds of music, genres well-known or experimental and just-invented. And we again see the VCV business model – give you a ton of stuff for free, without any real limitations, then give you add-ons that are no-brainer purchases even on a budget.

The other nice news here is that the DSP for VCV’s offering here come from Vult, one of the more beloved and mature modular makers out there. Speaking of techno, I’ve already used Vult’s stuff on a dancefloor. (Hint – no one cares if there’s a computer if you’re able to play live and dynamically and it sounds like this.)

It’s also worth having these new dedicated modules, because at last you get a consistent interface and tons of CV – the CV routing very much opening up creative sound-design, so not everything has to sound like a 909 or an old track.


  • Kick with sweep, with both 808- and 909-style models
  • Snare, 909 circuit-style, with noise and snap options
  • Tom (related to Kick, natch), with low, mid, and high models
  • Rim, 909 circuit-style, with strike intensity
  • Clap, 909 circuit-style, with transient intensity and dedicated reverb diffusion and reverb decay
  • Closed and open hi-hat with metal balance, mute choke
  • Crash and ride based on the same circuit model
  • Global tune and accent inputs which work across all channels
  • Volume and pan for each channel

It’s clever, too – you can treat this as a unified drum machine or individual modules or both.

I’ll give this a full review soon, right after Superbooth.

I was already a huge, huge fan of Vult’s stuff; you’ll hear it in some techno from me (out now and forthcoming). The developer goes through in detail how they went about learning making circuits and models, both in physical analog and code, and how it relates to their music making. (You’ll read some familiar notes – like the feeling of being lost in sample options and migrating to a drum synth.)

Leonardo explains their goals for creating module models for a new drum machine:

– they must have the analog “charm”.

– the internals must have the constrains found on the electronics of the era.

– the controls must be simple but effective.

– they don’t need to sound identical but they must sound great.

I wanted to make the (homemade) drum machine that I would have created in the 80’s.

It’s a great read, whether you’re curious what makes this software tick as a producer, or if you’re also approaching DIY yourself.

Making of the VCV Drums [Vult blog]

Check out the full Drums set:
