Resolume keeps plugging away at new features in their live visual / VJ tool. They went live from here in Europe this afternoon to show off what’s new in 7.10 – that’s seven-point-ten, in case you recall we just followed some new stuff from them.

7.10 has two simple feature additions, but they’re important.

Easier Blend Modes access. Finally, Resolume has a Blend Modes dropdown with favorites – absolutely useful as the huge variety of blend modes and transitions have (nicely) exploded in recent releases. This finally gets Resolume back to the easy blend-mode access some of us remember from the software’s very first generation on PC.

Wire Test Slices. So, much as I’m singing the praises of Wire, it is still clearly still evolving. The test slices feature here allows you to see what slices are doing as you’re patching in Wire, without having to load first in Arena.

There are a bunch of other fixes in Wire, Arena, and Avenue:

Late to the party to share this one live so it’s not interactive, but there’s a big livestream from earlier today to check out:

If you’re making visual stuff, let us know. I know there was also a call out for folks who know TouchDesigner to help with volunteering on live video coverage out of Ukraine, too, so even as the music stuff may be unrelated to current events, you may find the video tools do have needs.