Who needs presets or AI? An idea can start from anything – even extracted from the pixel values of some images you have stored on your phone. Pixel Music tries a different take on sequencing.

Pixel Music is based on a simple idea, but elegantly implemented. And it’s an ideal fit for your iOS modular, as seen here with Moog Music’s very lovely Model D. (Model D is running in the AUM mixer, which in turn pairs well with the AUBE plug-in librarian I covered this week, even if I’m now guaranteed to et both their names confused / wrong.)

Andrei Antonescu has created this little gem, and added a lot of details:

• Image pixels turn into pitch, velocity, and note duration
• Play multiple images at the same time, in sync
• Choose what parts of the image will be played and at what timing
• Tap on the image and record yourself playing alongside the sequencer

Plus, it runs as both AUv3 and standalone, and includes Ableton Link support.

Check the official app site:



Oddly, this makes me want to code something up in Processing.js, as it has that feeling, but – having it as a polished app is also useful.