Soundtoys, the independent music software developer, is responding to devastating extreme floods in their Burlington, Vermont hometown. August 2 and 3, 100% of sales will go to flood relief. Here’s how to help, and where your support is going.

July 2023 brought extreme weather worldwide. In Vermont, entire towns were underwater, residents were driven from their homes, roads and bridges were washed out, and crops destroyed.

Soundtoys tells us that fortunately their staff – including their gear collection – are safe and sound and unaffected! But the company says they want to help their friends and neighbors in their community. And that’s a great reminder of why it’s important to support small and independent businesses – because we support each other and the folks around us.

The fundraiser is today and tomorrow – and you can also donate directly:

August 2 goes to the Vermont Community Foundation’s Flood Response & Recovery Fund, a direct assistance fund. You can read an update on what they’re doing. This isn’t just about building back; they’re committed to both immediate relief and long-term resilience of the watershed.

August 3 goes to the Northeast Organic Farming Association of Vermont (NOFA-VT) Farmer Emergency Fund. Farmers don’t always qualify for insurance or federal or private assistance; this is a way to protect those farmers and the food supply. Here’s their executive director explaining how this works:

“The devastation caused by the floods is widespread and heart-breakingly severe, which is why we chose to support organizations able to provide rapid response and relief to those who need it most,” says Soundtoys founder and CEO Ken Bogdanowicz in a press release. “This time it’s in our own backyard.”

Soundtoys has supported other charities before:

Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders, World Central Kitchen, the Red Cross Society of Ukraine, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Migrant Offshore Aid Station (MOAS), National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Legal Defense Fund, Team Rubicon, and the Gulf Restoration Network.

You can also contribute by buying a Soundtoys gift card or looking at direct support:

Soundtoys gift cards

How to help with flood recovery in Vermont []