Resolume Arena, Avenue, and Wire got a nice little bump update as this media server / live visual platform continues to excel. That includes features other environments should copy, like an easy transform widget and group-able, fold-able parameters for inputs.

Resolume has a great video out showing this off:

The Transform Widget is a simple but everyday workflow improvement – you can just drag directly on handles to transform what’s there. That’s possible in some video editors and whatnot, but we usually have some hoops to jump through with live visual tools and media players.

Input Grouping is an idea that would be great to see in all node-based environments: you can easily move around parameters to group them, and those are revealed in the Resolume interface, too. (Oh I’d love to have things that were this easy to organize in, say, Unreal Engine!)

Also in this update:

  • Alt+ to combine cords when patching
  • Noise generator node (white noise)
  • Perlin node (mmmm – loopable, too)
  • Collapse triggers node
  • Trigger to reset delay
  • Lots of reorganization including the Files panel

And they have some new tutorials to check – here are some favorites; I’m working through these, too:

Resolume 7.21 Release | Transform Widget & Parameter Grouping